Energy The Smart Way

Energy The Smart Way

Author: Czech Academy of Sciences

Welcome to a world where energy is transformed, stored, and used in a smart way.


Energy. We know that it can neither be created nor destroyed. And we know that humanity can no longer do without it. That is why we are looking for ways to obtain and use it so that the Earth remains blue and green when seen from space. So that it stays a planet suitable for life. Researchers at the Czech Academy of Sciences know how to do it.

The Tokamak COMPASS is the most promising way to obtain energy from nuclear fusion, i.e., in a manner that releases more power than today's nuclear reactors. Thanks to lithium nanofibers, the HE3DA battery storage charges and releases energy faster and more safely than conventional cells. The electromagnetic flywheel can keep rotating heavy metal objects in the air with a minimum of energy. And a ship processing plastic waste at sea produces drinking water and fuel oil.